Vessel’s tracking
We suggest our customer to follow shipment loaded by Cristef by looking with Vessel name on
You can follow your shipment step by step on real time find Carrier’s Track & Trace + Vessel Schedules + AIS getting the real idea about when vessel carring your goods is espected to arrive.
You can also see the route vessels, knots, arrivals/departures to anchorage port, berth.
Identify container delays in advance. Access reliable predictive ETA’s for each stop up to the final port of discharge, and see actual arrivals to anchorage, port and terminal in real-time.
Above by putting Vessel’s name that you can see on the Bill of Lading issued by Cristef sas and following the instructions you willo find on marinetraffic site.
This site is particulary useful in nowdays where due to ports congestions you can easily find your shipment situation on board of vessel’s used.
Instead for any information on Cristef’s, transports, logistics services you can go on