

When requested we warehouse the goods wating to be loaded  for final destinations.

- abroad warehouse: where goods coming from abroad countries are warehoused in transit to another abroad country or are temporarily warehoused order to perform special fiscal clearance.

- national warehouse , where goods are warehoused after being custom’s cleared  of waiting to be exported abroad or loded on trucks to reach Italian suppliers or european and east europe final destinations.

- open terminals where large and heavy goods are warehoused to be loaded /unloaded , fixed /unfixed  to and from  special containers, trucks , rail wagons.

In the warehouse we also provide to count, label , pack goods of any kinds when is requested.

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  1. TAMARA SALMI says:

    attendo risposta

  2. TAMARA SALMI says:

    Buongiorno, devo portare in Gran Canaria 2 auto di mia proprietà più precisamente un OPEL CORSA e un FIAT PANDA, all’inizio di febbraio 2018. le due macchine dovrebbero essere riempite di beni ed effetti personali. vorrei avere informazioni per il trasporto su container con relativo costo. grazie

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